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A New Year's Reflection

2024 went by in a flash. To be honest, we aren't sure how it went by so quickly. The year started as it always does with new ideas, plans, and dreams. Looking back now, it is a wonder we did all we did! 2024 held lots of fun events. In March, we went to the Miracle Rodeo at the Garrett Coliseum. In May, we held our annual beauty pageant. If you haven't been, or had an angel you know participate, you are missing out on such a treat! It always ends up blessing us more than it blesses everyone else!
Then during the summer months, we spent a day at Kickback Ranch. Our cheerleaders went numerous places and cheered in our community at different events during the fall. This included a trip to Birmingham for the BMH26.2 race, as well as a trip to Troy University in Troy, Alabama to cheer at their homecoming football game! Our admin team participated in the Trunk or treat at Launch in Prattville, and our cheer team participated in the Prattville Christmas Parade. (Boy was it COLD!!) We wrapped up the year with our annual Christmas/Cheer Banquet with all of our angels.
All of these events take hours upon hours of planning and meetings upon meetings. It takes organizing and managing every detail. It takes going from business to business and reaching out to see who would be willing to join along side of us to make these events happen. Over and over again, we were amazed and blessed by the number of individuals and organizations/businesses that were willing to step up and help us make these events come to fruition. Their generosity also afforded us the ability to meet some of our angels' and their family needs during some really difficult times.
We are open to new ideas for events/activities, as well as to new volunteers. We need volunteers. We need those people that we know we can count on to help make all of this happen because they have a passion for it as much we do. As we embark on the new year, we are setting our eyes on the goals ahead. We strive to continue to be the connecting piece to our community, as well as a place that feels like you're reuniting with family every time we get together.
Thank you for being a part of our community. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your lives. Thank you for loving us as much as we love you. We look forward to what 2025 has in store for us and all the memories we are going to create together!

If you would like to volunteer, please reach out to our president, Musette Hankins, at 334-430-2991 or email us at

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